When you’re preparing your house for a home inspection there’s a few things you need to be aware of. An inspection is a hugely important part of the buying process, and you’ll be surprised how far a deep clean will go. Making sure your property is in the best possible shape is a great place to start when it comes to selling your house, but of course, you may not have the time and money to invest in all aspects of the building envelope, but getting everything inside looking nice and clean will always be a good starting point.
Making the house simplistic in style is another good option because it allows potential buyers to see the property for what it is. This means removing as much clutter as possible, so you may want to arrange a bit of a clear-out before you move out of the house, so a good amount of clutter will free up space and add simplicity. We recommend having a garage sale before home inspections begin or put more items in the loft just while the inspections are taking place.
Help the potential buyer
Think as you did when your first purchased the house. What made you buy it? What are its main features? If you know this, you can then ask yourself how can I make those features more prominent? Let’s say you have a number of period features that a potential buyer would love. Be sure to let those features stand on their own and remove any clutter around them. You can also tidy up the garden if you have one and cut the lawn. Preparing for a home inspection is all about making sure the home appears positively on the eye of a potential buyer.